Automating Bonus Forms In HR
My client, a large international company, is employing over 300 staff in Sydney, which is the headquarter for the south pacific. Part of their staff remuneration is ruled through a bonus system. This bonus can be between 10% and 40% of their yearly income - a significant amount for each and every employee.
Before – – –
- Industry: HR – Medical
- Engagement: HR Director
- Main Issue: Slow process
- Problems: In the past years the bonus forms were created more or less manually to the effect that one year the bonus forms arrived on the employees’ desk in late April.
- Main Goal: Increase productivity
After – – –
- I’ve created a process where the HR-department maintains a list of allemployees and their managers and their business wide KPIs. Out of this information and a separate template individual bonus forms are created automatically and bundled in a file for their specific managers.
- Since we introduced the new automated system the bonus forms are signed, sealed and delivered within the first three weeks of the year, reducing the time for HR by weeks if not months.
- The process allows to add new staff throughout the year and more common to change the position for any employee and thereby creating two bonus forms with a per rata calculation.