What is your ROI on your Quote Templates?

What is your ROI on your Quote Templates? Does your Quote Template generate a healthy profit for you? Hi there, today I want to talk about Quote templates and what they can do for you. A couple of years back a client of mine wanted to create a Quote Template which should serve multiple purposes. […]
Imagining the outcome – let your imagination run wild…

Imagining the outcome – let your imagination run wild… One of the many beautiful things about consulting to my clients is to experience and help with the vast variety of productivity issues they are facing. As mention in my previous newsletter, Quote templates definitely play a significant part. And the situations where Sunken Costs – also mentioned in one of the previous newsletters – are […]
What do you do, when your project hits a road block?

What do you do, when your project hits a road block? What would you do, when you’ve spent $60,000 on a project and you get stuck without even being near your project goal? Watch the video below to find out, why it is often times better to start again, instead of trying to forcefully bring […]
Higher Productivity, Deeper Insights

Higher Productivity, Deeper Insights Watch the video below to find out more about the 150 spreadsheets and the solution I’ve developed for my client. Problem Lack of productivity & transparency Task at hand 150 spreadsheets were monthly created and updated. Containing data about product distribution by – state – channel – product category Issues 3 days […]
Problem solving tips

Problem solving tip Watch the video below to find out more about the Dog, the Door, the Beach and the Empty Mind, which all are helping you in solving problems.
Auditing your financial models

Auditing your financial models – the proof is in the pudding… So… You’ve finally finished your Excel model. It looks good, there are even dashboards included and you reckon your financial model or workflow is good to go. Think again. There is a thought lingering in your head: is the model sound? Is it sustainable? And […]
From Data to Decision!

From Data to Decision! In my library, there is a book called Knowledge is Beautiful and in there you have pages and pages of data. All presented in a beautiful way, very nicely illustrated. Some are dashboards, some are mind-maps and some are bubble graphs. They all look pretty and some just spectacular. Still the title of […]
Using Dashboards in Your Data Model…

Using Dashboards in Your Data Model… Using a dashboard in a data model is a fantastic idea. It brings your data to life. If you make the dashboard your centre piece you can win the audience on their first glance. Remember with your data model you want to tell a story, and nothing tells a story […]
Is Excel to be made redundant in 2017?!

Is Excel to be made redundant in 2017?! Happy New Year to you and welcome to my first newsletter of the new year. Please, let me start with a reflection on the number 2017, which is a prime number. I’m always fascinated by prime numbers and throughout my whole life they’ve played a big part. […]