How can I make your life easier this year?

After booking three flights to Germany in the last year and eventually cancelling all of them we now booked a hiking trip in Tasmania for mid-February. And only two weeks later the situation has changed again and the borders to Tasmania are closed again for us Sydneysiders. Well, there is still hope but it looks like we all are at the mercy of the virus and the governments.

It’s this unnerving feeling to not be in control of our moves in our own country which causes stress.

For some weeks and even months in 2020 we all hoped that we can get back to business as usual. Obviously, that is not the case and won’t be for the foreseeable future.

Some would even argue that we need to live with the new uncertainty about travel restrictions and temporary lockdowns for states or local islands within a state (eg. Northern Beaches)

This constant change is really challenging and stressful for all of us. And I’m not an exception. This uncertainty is hurting me privately (see above) and in business as well.

For some of my clients it is now fact and is as demoralising and devastating as you can imagine. Currently we are working together to adapt their systems and processes to this new reality.

And maybe you and your team are in a similar situation.

I hear you and I am here for you.

Of course, I can’t make the virus go away and I can’t make the government change their policies…

What I can do for you is to help you implementing systems and procedures that allow you to react faster and with more certainty to the constant change.

I can support you with better systems that end your frustrations and give you peace of mind.

Here are a couple of examples, where my straight forward German approach might be useful for you:

I’d like to support you and make your life easier this year! I’m offering you a free 30-minute phone or zoom conversation to look at your individual situation and what we could do about it.

When is the best time – if not now – to work on your systems and make you and your team at least 10% more productive and more adaptable to change?

“The changes Jürgen made have resulted in a substantial time saving and improved the reliability of our process allowing us to focus on the analysis rather than the collation and manipulation of data. Jürgen isn't just an Excel guy but really understand process flows and the business outcomes. Thanks again.”
David Barton – Club Plus Super

Building Better Systems: Here are three ways I could help you right now…

  1. You have an idea or a problem to solve and you don’t know where to start and want an honest, straight forward sounding board with business acumen and IT experience. Call me to discuss. 
  2. You have an existing Excel – solution that does not do what it supposed to do. Here I can do a thorough assessment and audit of your model and give you recommendations for moving forward. 
  3. You want to work privately with me to weave some magic into your workflow models that will allow you and your team to base your million dollar decision on the right data.  Just email me to set up a time for a chat.