Disparate Systems
Today, I want to talk about Disparate Systems.
I always need to make sure that I’m not saying desperate systems because they also make you sometimes desperate… 🙂
In this case, I mean disparate meaning:
- they are stand alone systems
- they are not talking to any other system
And the moment you install these kind of processes in your organisation you will end up manually transferring data from one disparate system into another.
Or you export CSV files and let Excel do the translation into Xero or into MYOB or other processes you have in place.
In other words, Excel becomes the cornerstone of your processes because you’ve got a disparate system here and you want to translate the information into your other processes.
The good news is: your manual step – that can be automated!
That’s what I’m specialised in systemising, structuring and automating these kind of processes with German precision.
So that you can trust your numbers again.
And you have a push button solution which helps you to save time and cut cost.
Please reach our to learn more…
Looking forward to hearing from you.
The changes Jürgen made have resulted in a substantial time saving and improved the reliability of our process allowing us to focus on the analysis rather than the collation and manipulation of data. Jürgen isn't just an Excel guy but really understand process flows and the business outcomes. Thanks again.”
David Barton – COO at Future Super

Building Better Systems For You..:
here are three ways I could help you right now…
- You have an idea or a problem to solve and you don’t know where to start and want an honest, straight forward sounding board with business acumen and IT experience.
- You have an existing Excel – solution that is lacking functionality. This is exactly where I helped hundreds of clients with their Excel spreadsheets and workflow.
- You want to work directly with me to systemise, structure and automate your workflow models. So that they will allow you and your team to base your million dollar decision on the accurate data. Just email me to set up a time for a chat.