The Power of Now

Recently a client of mine looked at the automation I’ve created for her and said “Jürgen, how does it feel to be that powerful? “

I was a little bit taken aback and then responded “It’s not me – it’s Excel that’s so powerful.”

Which is maybe only half the truth. Because the people who know me are aware of how much I can do with Excel – that others can’t.

And it’s true, Excel is tremendously powerful.

With every power comes great responsibility. It’s like the two sides of the same coin.

Yes, the power of Excel can be used in your favour. Especially when you start to systemise, structure and automate your workbooks accordingly.

But the power of Excel can equally work against you. Because Excel is unforgiving for errors, hard coded values and missed or too many spaces in a cell.

I often compare Excel to my most loved toy: Lego. Like Lego Excel provides you with bricks – the challenge in both cases is, what you build from it.

Just recently I’ve bought myself the Lego box for building Yoda out of 1,771 pieces. You are never too old to play with Lego me thinks.

My question to you is: are you using the power of Excel in your favour? Are your spreadsheets chek for errors, are they well documented and automated to give you more time?

Are you confident in basing you $ 1m decisions on the calculation you see on your screen?

If you are not sure, maybe we should talk.

Now that I have some extra time as I’m not commuting, I would like to offer some extra power to those who want it. If you, or anyone you know, could benefit from a 23 minute phone call with a Business Strategist, let me know.

Please simply respond to this email now and let us set up a time that suits you.
Of course this offer is free and has no strings attached.

Whenever you are ready, here are three ways I could help you right now…

  1. You have an idea or a problem to solve and you don’t know where to start and want an honest, straight forward sounding board with business acumen and IT experience. Call me to discuss.
  2. You have an existing Excel – solution that does not do what it supposed to do. Here I can do a thorough assessment and audit of your model and give you recommendations for moving forward.
  3. You want to work privately with me to weave some magic into your workflow models that will allow you and your team to base your million dollar decision on the right data.  Just email me to set up a time for a chat.